Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

AM125 Thursday Homework

Exit Test Speaking Section

You must complete the speaking section and e-mail the link to me before the test tomorrow!
Nobody can move up without a completed speaking section!

Look on SMRT beside unit 12 on 'my classes' for the link. 

AM125 Thursday

1. Media: Crime Time
2. Check Homework
3. Writing : A famous crime
4. Grammar 8-3 Simple Past and Past Perfect
5. Practice Exercises 
5b. More Practice for Past Perfect
6. Media: FBI's most wanted
7. Review Past tenses worksheet

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

AM125 Wednesday Homework

1. Grammar 8-2 Exercise #1, #2

2. Work on exit test speaking section. 

Exit Test Speaking Section

The speaking assignment for Friday is posted on SMRT.

Do not use the video link in the assignment. Instead, follow the instructions for sharing a youtube video and send the link to me!

Assignments must be completed by Friday and it is not possible to move up unless you submit the speaking part of the exam!

AM125 Wednesday

1. Speaking Pairs
2. Check Homework
3. The Story of Rubin Carter
    a) Predictions from the trailer
    b) Bob Dylan "The Hurricane"
      c) Reading Exercise
    d) Discussion
4. Grammar 8-2 Past Simple and Continuous
5. Practice Discussion
6. Media: Facebook Fights Crime

Monday, February 18, 2013

AM125 Monday Homework

1. Read Unit 8 Vocabulary and do Exercise #1

2. Watch this video explaining how to upload a youtube video for your speaking test. Share a test video with me. (

AM125 Monday

1. Review unit 7 grammar
2. Unit 7 quiz
3. Mark quizzes 
4. Pronunciation practice: Different questions
4. In the News: Spelling?
5. Quoted speech
6. Partner Writing activity

Monday, February 4, 2013

AM125 Monday Homework

1. Unit 6 Vocabulary Exercise 1

AM125 Monday

1. Grammar Review Game
2. Unit 5 Quiz 
3. Mark and discuss quiz
3b. Present Perfect and Simple Past

4. Media/Discussion: What is the Internet, Really?
5. Liar, Liar 

  • Write eight sentences about things you have or haven't done in your life using the present perfect simple. 
  • Six should be true and two should be false. 
  • With your group, take turns asking questions to find out which are true and which are false.

Friday, February 1, 2013